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Project in the Spotlight

Kathy Crow
Feb 21 min read
Book Bind Fold
How would you like a simple Fun Fold for your Sunday afternoon? This is one that fits the Storybook theme well, I think. Storybook...

Kathy Crow
Jan 241 min read
Well Into SaleABration
Yes, we have been having SaleABration for a few weeks, and I'm just now beginning to feel like I'm part of it! It's been a cold and slow...

Kathy Crow
Jan 131 min read
Paper Butterflies
Now that the holidays are over and all the decorations are put away, there's plenty of time to bring out some of the projects I've saved...

Kathy Crow
Nov 11, 20241 min read
Not Just for Christmas
Jeff and I love driving around to the little towns near us because the people are friendly and there's usually a great antique shop to...

Kathy Crow
Oct 27, 20241 min read
Deer Season
When I think Deer Season, I'm not thinking about hunting! If you have hunters in the family, that season usually means you might have a...

Kathy Crow
Oct 11, 20241 min read
Not Just Routine
My husband Jeff likes to say "I'm not in a rut, I'm in a smooooth groove!" And that expresses both of our styles pretty well. Except for...

Kathy Crow
Aug 19, 20241 min read
It's Been Awhile
I haven't been able to keep up the blog while all the activities of a new grand baby, our son's wedding, and then the news that I needed...

Kathy Crow
Jul 5, 20241 min read
To Market, To Market
I have the best neighbor! While we were away from home for a couple of weeks, she kept all of my garden and yard watered and cared for...

Kathy Crow
Jun 27, 20241 min read
Catch the Leaves
It's hard to believe that it won't be long and I'll be looking out at changing leaves here in Missouri. It's warm, summery, and very...

Kathy Crow
Jun 20, 20241 min read
Take a Trip
Are you heading out on a vacation, or making some big life change? Or do you know someone who is? At some point we all do, and that's...

Kathy Crow
Jun 20, 20241 min read
Mistake Magic
A couple of weeks ago in the middle of my Facebook Live, I realized the ink pen I was using was running out, and I didn't have enough to...

Kathy Crow
Jun 16, 20241 min read
From Our Home
Do you wish you had a second home on the beach? Who doesn't! This card was so much fun to make, because I just envisioned our favorite...

Kathy Crow
Jun 7, 20241 min read
Choose Happy
Choosing happy is easy when everything is going your way, and I hope it is this week! For us, the sun is out more, and I've been able to...

Kathy Crow
Jun 6, 20241 min read
Winterly Tree Tops
I know it's a long time until Christmas, but you can't get started on those Christmas projects too soon, can you? If you've been...

Kathy Crow
May 30, 20241 min read
I love this 'new to me' stamp set. You might have gotten it a long time ago, but I resisted until a couple of weeks ago. Today's card...

Kathy Crow
May 24, 20241 min read
Tune In
Do you know this jingle? 'You deserve a break today. So come on and get away, at _________. I've been having tunes like that running...

Kathy Crow
May 16, 20241 min read
Sing-a-long Time
This new stamp set reminds me of all the good times our family has had camping out. Whether it was just us, family camp, teen camp,...

Kathy Crow
May 11, 20241 min read
Country Time
Why are the stamp sets that have the word 'Country' in them always so good? Is it the home cookin', or traditional American values, or...

Kathy Crow
May 6, 20241 min read
Home Sweet Home
It's always nice to get back home, even when you are enjoying your time with friends or family, and seeing new places. We just wish...

Kathy Crow
Apr 29, 20241 min read
Back Home
We had an unexpected early grand-baby arrival, and I appreciate all the thoughts and prayers that were with us during the last few weeks....
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