How It Started
Welcome to the Crow Cottage!

In 1991 Jeff and I moved to our little house with our daughter and our 2 baby boys. I had no idea I would soon become a gardener and a crafter!
What started as planting one rose bush, became part of a much bigger plan! As you can see in the picture, the Crow Cottage is surrounded by a gorgeous garden that I gradually expanded to include the whole property. I did most of the work myself, but Jeff and our kids volunteered here and there and made some money in the summer weeding and pruning for me.
When Covid restrictions came, and it became obvious that our hometown in Washington state would no longer be a free and happy place to live anymore, we decided it was best for Jeff to retire early, and move to Missouri. We love it in our new state, and have never regretted the move. It costs a little more to fly to visit our kids, but the lifestyle we live now is SO MUCH more enjoyable. Thank you Missourians for making us feel so welcome!
I miss my garden a little, but have found many gardens here in our new home to fill that void. I think being in the garden observing leaves, twigs, grasses, and flowers up close, has helped me become more creative in making cards, and God has blessed me with wonderful friends who like to stamp too! We meet online each month for workshops making beautiful things and enjoying life together. We also have fun team craft days for those who join our team, "The Crow's Nest Crafters". If you would like to be part of any of what we do, in person or live online, just ask! There's always a way to make it happen! Most of our team members live in different cities, so we do everything online, as well as for those who can join me in Springfield. Message me to learn more anytime.
Good-bye for now! Wishing you happy crafting adventures. -Kathy Crow
Love God, Love People
A few of the places that I regularly donate to include hospitals, churches, and assisted living and senior centers. Also, all of our public office holders, education, healthcare, law enforcement personnel, and clergy really appreciate words of kindness and appreciation. Help me spread the love of Christ to all those who give so much to others each day. We're blessed to be a blessing!