While the entire United States media and demagogues have meltdowns as though there's never been a pandemic before, enter the Crow Cottage. Experience the peace, joy, and love that exists here no matter how bureaucrats try to work us all into a panic.
Here is a card that expresses how I feel about all of you, and all of life. The Ornate Garden Suite that I used to make this card will be available on April 1......and no fooling!
You can get the Ornate Garden Suite now when you buy the starter kit. Just join our team, The Crow's Nest Crafters, and you can get products like this before they're available to the public. That's one of the nice perks of being a hobby demonstrator, but that's not all.
Interested in any of this info? Please send me a message, I will be happy to chat with you about it, or all of the other beautiful things we enjoy in our strong and resilient country.